A brand new era has begun...
Sit back and relax to this intro video..
Instead of just gaming - exploring, mining, trading and defending in Elite, or Star Citizen or even Star Field...
Turn your gaming into actual reality with huge profits from mining and fuel sales and other services...
You do this by subscribing to our software from a one off payment of $20.. or from as little as $5 - $40 per month [release date expected July 2024]
Different payment options enable different participation options. The intent is to make this software release so absolutely compelling - by combining state of the art simulation and build options, along with a specialized artificial intelligence system and investment/participation portfolio... together with a recruitment system...
...that we can sign up and get large numbers to subscribe and actively participate to allow unprecedented funding in the lowest cost delivery systems..
makes sense? if not, drop me a line...
Which will allow you to:
(1) Build your own personal space craft
We are already building a low cost prototype in Atlanta - in order to keep costs extremely low, wherever possible we are targeting the use of commonly available components.
Our software will allow you and us as a collaborative group to help research and build these craft.
(2) Earn BIG! By supporting mining and trade missions.
Huge markups - because we plan to give away more than 50% of profits to subscribers, and use the remainder to accelerate the A.I. systems used to help you! This maybe your opportunity of a lifetime to reach billionaire status or more. Your earnings here can pay for your own mission capable craft.
(3) Build bases on the moon and in various orbits elsewhere
We are already building a low cost prototype in Atlanta - in order to keep costs extremely low, wherever possible we are targeting the use of commonly available components.
Our software will allow you and us as a collaborative group to help research and build these craft.
Essentially, the plan is to release our software and allow you to subscribe to join real missions. The software is a simulator, recruitment, manufacturing and mission hub...
(A) The simulator aspect of the software will allow testing of craft design to enter into orbit, target moon and solar system activities, and transport goods back to earth...
(B) The recruitment aspect of the software will allow us to combine the best minds with specialized artificial intelligence to develop better propulsion and craft manufacture systems..
(C) The manufacturing aspect of the software will allow us to identify global sources for components and document successes and failures as we iterate together.. OF PARTICULAR INTEREST is discovering how to build artificial gravity plates through hiring the best minds combined with advanced quantum physics A.I.
(D) Regarding missions... the software will present global government contracts from NASA, ESA, RSA, CNSA and elsewhere - AS WELL AS our own agreed upon missions
If we can get 1,000,000 global subscribers at $10 per month - our available cashflow will supercede most space companies and allow us to completely disrupt and dominate this arena with the dividends shared out to our subscriber base.
NOTE1 The target build cost for our first cargo space craft is $50,000 - $100,000 including launch costs (likely from Senegal coast - to ease regulatory requirements).
NOTE2 We intend to launch from and build launch bases anywhere and everywhere all over the planet - West Cost Africa, East Coast Africa, USA, Malaysia, Japan, China, Singapore, Australia, UK, Columbia... as well as multiple bases on the moon and elsewhere in our solar system.